
Today, the Supreme Court reviewed the case involving a baker and a same sex couple. The couple requested a wedding cake from the baker, and he declined. He said he would not make a cake for them because he was against gay marriage. The couple sued the baker, and the case made it in front... Continue Reading →


Pick Justice of US Supreme Court...and learn about that person...track movements...tag places where we have been...write profile on justice,....connect to stories we have read in the text....their lives, important decisions they took part in...800 words. Nichols family unable to be here tonight. We will talk about the case anyway. Lindsay Nichols was 22 and daughter... Continue Reading →


Find case - oyez.org https://www.oyez.org/cases/2010/09-751 listened to the 2010 oral argument council main points: we are talking about a funeral pre-funeral flyer, funeral protest, epic (video posted on the internet) ...what can be put on the internet? What Definition of fighting words was under dispute......what is difference between outrageous statement and fight words... Should components... Continue Reading →


Using the complaint as the main document, write a news story based on it. Mother Stabs Ex to Death in Front of Son An Independence women is accused of murdering her ex-husband. Jason Allen Hunziker was likely sleeping when his ex-wife, and mother of his son, snuck into his home to murder him. Evidence suggests Hillary Lee... Continue Reading →


Media perspective of the molestation investigation of the Catholic Church... Media featured Spotlight documentary as resource as well as interviewing the movie's director. Also, interviewed the editor who pushed the investigation at the Globe - Marty Baron. Also, interviewed Walter Robinson, the leader of the Spotlight team. Media also featured articles from the Globe as... Continue Reading →


Tonight's work will be focused on investigative journalism.We first started at snapnetwork.org (Survivors Network for those Abused by Priests). Now looking at SPOTLIGHT documentary. Globe wrote many stories of sexual abuse by priests and cover-up of those offenses. Interesting by-line with many authors showing greater credibility of sources? The Boston Globe won a Pulitzer Prize... Continue Reading →


Class Notes Tonight we will discuss court experiences and court decisions. We are looking at a case a college guy and girl hook up at a party. The girl claims she was raped afterwards. This guy had no record. This happened in 2014 and we watched a video where the accused had to disclose embarassing... Continue Reading →


Reporting an Iowa Supreme Court Decision Law reading is hard. Putting a story together is difficult. Focus on topic of your own. Sift through what is the most important. Explain to people what court is about. Include Who, What, When, Where, Why, How. A story has a lead that tells what happen. A lead should... Continue Reading →

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